Planned Giving for Charities and Institutions

Planned Giving for Charities and Institutions

Although the majority of people support charities and non profit institutions during their lifetimes, comparably few have considered leaving a gift through their estate. These gifts can make a tremendous difference to human service and arts organizations, hospitals, educational and religious institutions and other nonprofit agencies.

Many people have the mistaken belief that only the wealthy can leave these kinds of gifts or that by making such a gift, you will be neglecting your family after your death. However, most people find that with proper planning, providing for their family and leaving a gift to a charity or nonprofit organization are both possible.

When considering these kinds of gifts, perhaps you or someone close to you have been helped by an organization. Maybe you are an active volunteer or supporter of a group’s particular mission. Or maybe you want to leave a gift in memory of a loved one or for a specific use.

Bill Ager can help you identify your goals for your estate and your planned giving. He will help you to incorporate your wishes in your estate plan, whether it includes a will or trust.

Contact Bill Ager at (734) 649-0784 or at for more details on reasonable flat fees for these services.